Quiet day today at work, so, since it's Halloween season, 1 like = 1 overlooked horror film you should check out this spooky season
Halloween III (1982) - stilted acting & droning soundtrack actually make this anomalous series entry about a conspiracy to turn kids heads into bugs using microchipped halloween masks into super creepy affair that always keeps you feeling vaguely off kilter.
13 Ghosts (2001) - the most 2001 movie ever, starts with a blood-spraying truck, gets goofier from there. Absolutely ridiculous but so serious, just a complete blast from start to finish! Amazing ghost designs too
Pumpkinhead (1988) - Hillbilly monster flick that gradually turns into a mediation on the Hollowness of revenge & the corrupting potential of grief. Heart-breaking performance by Lance Henrikson as a grieving father and beautifully decrepit appalachian ambience
The Blob (1988) - far superior remake of the cheesy 50s creature feature, upping the gore effects and paranoia. The vaguely anti-authoritarian bent of the original is ramped up to 11 here.
Bodymelt (1993) - Gloriously stupid Australian video nasty about a vitamin supplement that makes people melt, explode, etc. Worth it for the subplot about the teenagers getting stranded at the outback hillbilly ranch.
Botched (2007) - a heist gone wrong strands a group of criminals & random strangers on a secret, abandoned floor of a russian highrise with a deranged killer on the loose. Inventive & delightfully bloody horror comedy that keeps surprising you to the end.
The Burrowers (2008) - An old west posse is out to kill Indians in retaliation for what they think is an Indian raid. It's not. Weird western creature feature with a lot to say about manifest destiny and America's legacy of racism & genocide.
Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter (1974) - The ultimate Hammer film, as sexy vampire hunting hunk Kronos investigates blood suckers in a remote European village with SEXY results!
Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things (1972) - Bullying theater kid prima donna makes his troupe endure escalating humiliations to prove their art but he gets his when he accidentally resurrects a graveyard of corpses. Never has a film asshole met such a satisfying end
The Company of Wolves (1984) - A medieval peasant girl learns the dangers of womanhood in a beautifully surreal werewolf anthology film based on Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber
A Cure for Wellness (2016) - insane fever dream medical thriller w/ Jacob's Ladder vibes about a corporate asshole trapped in a sinister swiss kurspa as he (maybe?) goes insane. Descends into pure schlock at the end but you gotta love Gore Verbinksi at his sloppiest.
Dead End (2003) - A bickering family taking a shortcut through the woods and realize that the road goes on forever and the woods never end. Super creepy slow burn horror that feels like the best creepypastas.
Demons (1985) - A group of cinemaphiles trapped in a movie theater as people randomly turn into demons. Weird, haphazard affair from the best artists of Italian giallo, this film is way more engrossing than it has any right to be
Diner (1992) - short cartoon about a murderous road side diner from Gahan Wilson is everything that a Gahan Wilson cartoon should be. Bloody horror played as slapstick comedy and it works on both levels.
Eyes of Fire (1983) - Oblivious 1700s american settlers led by a fanatical preacher move into a cursed valley, where supernatural happenings test their faith. It's like The VVitch but not boring!
Messiah of Evil (1973) - A woman journeys to a mysterious, seemingly cursed town on the california coast in search of her missing father, finds the gathering apocalypse instead. Amazing atmosphere & tension on an obviously shoe string budget
The Hills Run Red (2009) - Recursive horror film about horror films in which a horror buff goes in search of an infamous reclusive director. Not as smart as it thinks it is but a fun, twisty effort with a properly memorable costumed psycho killer!
Housebound (2014) - a ne'er do well under house arrest is forced to live with her annoying parents in a haunted house in a pitch perfect horror comedy with a surprising amount of heart. Some of the most lovable characters in horror here <3
House of Wax (2005) - This remake runs roughshed over the spirit of the original, turning it into a teen slasher, but creepy abandoned town sets, believably psycho villains, and some entertaining twists make it work p darn well.
Joyride (2001) - Pair of brothers play a CB radio prank on a deranged trucker; he doesn't like it. Super tense thriller that uses its dingy agoraphobic world of cheap motels, truck stops and the vastness of the open road to full effect.
Lady in White (1988) - A boy locked overnight in a school cloakroom encounters a murderer & becomes obsessed with the ghost of his victim. A very Stephen King/Ray Bradbury feeling story about the rot under the surface of idyllic small town 50s america
Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural (1973) - A 1920s period piece about an innocent young girl on the cusp of womanhood trying to find her missing father & instead finding a coven of lesbian vampires. Feels like something out of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.
Mothers Day Massacre (2007) - a teenager looks for his birth mother and finds out that she's already got her own family. Deliciously nasty over-the-top comedy with extremely Roahl Dahl sensibilities.
Mr Jones (2013) - a hipster couple stumbles across the home of an infamous "outsider artist" sculptor in the woods and decide to make a doc about him. Extremely weird nightmare creepypasta logic that should appeal to House of Leaves fans.
One Dark Night (1983) - teen girls spend the night inside a mausoleum with predictable results & meanwhile there's some sort of psychic vampire on the loose. So gothic it's almost a parody of itself but very effective!
Phantasm series (1979/88/94) - It starts off with a kid afraid of a creepy mortician and then... it goes places. The lore keeps building throughout the series, until it becomes a bizarro sci fi epic. Also those flying metal murder balls, everyone love those!
Ravenous (1999) - Soldiers at a remote gold rush era outpost in the sierra nevada succumb to the lure of cannibalism in this delightfully tongue-in-cheek romp. Incredible discordant soundtrack is full of cacophonous bops!
Redneck Zombies (1987) - kinda dumb and boring but absolutely 100% worth the price of admission for the appearance of the Tobacco Man
Soft for Digging (2001) - a weird old hermit witnesses a little girl being murdered, but nobody believes him. With barely any dialogue, this is a creepy slow burn story told visually that builds to a pulse pounding climax
They Look Like People (2015) - Wyatt has been getting phone calls warning him that a demonic invasion is coming... or has he? A raw and deeply honest look at mental illness and male isolation that doesn't pull any cheap cheats in the final act.
Split Second (1992) - Buddy cop comedy horror sci fi with Rutger Hauer as a loose canon cop forced to team up with a by-the-book partner to fight the literal devil in the cyberpunk future. It's absolutely insane and absolutely brilliant.
The Fog (1980) - Ominous fog rolling in from sea announces the arrival of ghost pirates returning from the grave to get revenge on a sleepy seaside community. Perfect little campfire yarn!
The Gate (1987) - baby's first horror movie is ostensibly for kids but features nightmare fuel lovecraftian stop motion animation that's scarier than most of the stuff you find in adult films. Also a surprisingly honest portrayal of the arbitrary weirdness of childhood friendship
The Hole (2009) - Family finds a hole under their new home that makes all their worst fears come true. Kind of a less weird, more family friendly take on Kathe Koja's Cipher, it's a good horror primer for the kids.
Tourist Trap (1979) - young people menaced by a possibly psychic crazed killer who (maybe?) turns people into animated (or not?) mannequins. Absolutely nuts, nothing makes sense in this film, but that's exactly why it works.
Warlock (1989) - a colonial-era warlock is transported to modern (80s) LA but so is the witch hunter trying to catch him. Fun and extremely 80s dark fantasy/folk horror flick that draws extensively from real folk magic beliefs.
Xtro (1982) - unfairly malaigned "video nasty" about an alien father coming to earth to take back his hybrid son - and the human mother desperate to stop him. Deep subtext about the heartbreak of motherhood and also damn fine bizarro practical creature effects!
YellowBrickRoad (2010) - Reality starts coming unglued for a team investigating a cold case disappearance of an entire town of people that just walked away into the woods. This whole movie feels like a well-written SCP entry.
anyway if you like horror, go check out @midnight_pals , my comedy account imagining what if your favorite horror creators gathered around the campfire ala are you afraid of the dark to tell spooker stories
You can follow @bitterkarella.
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