4 years ago our break room tv was inundated with news of the US election. It was around this time that the clip of Trump saying 'Grab em by the pussy' was coming out & although I already did not like this man, right then I hated him...
Add to that so many women coming forward with their story of sexual assault by him, the lying, the way he graded (& degraded) women, his lust for his daughter... It all made my stomach turn. As a victim of sexual assault that alone confirmed my disdain for this guy
But then the draining of the swamp, the building of the wall, the mocking of a disabled man, and the pure nastiness every time he opened his mouth made me worry for my neighbours to the south. Was this guy legit on their ballot?
Social media was out of control. I met and made many American friends through my humanitarian travels who all seemed to say, "none of your business, why does it matter to you anyway, this doesn't concern Canada..."
But it did and still does matter. What neighbour do you want? The one who brings soup when you're sick or the one who caught your house on fire from blowing up the kitchen meth lab?
Everything that happens in the US affects/effects Canada in one way or another.
The night of the election I was working. My coworker made a bet (coffee/donut) that Trump would win. Easy bet. I told him my coffee order before he could walk away.
We had an empty room that we would take turns checking the tv for updates. We were shocked at the close race...
It was my turn in the empty room when Hillary conceded the election. I can't explain what happened to my spirit that night. I knew our world was about to change.
My coworker came to gloat & tell me his coffee order but when he found me crying he quickly backtracked.
And honestly I don't think that heaviness of spirit has ever fully left. The weight of it changed frequently over the years... Often feels heavier with each new shocking headline then in abates for a time and repeat cycle.
As a Canadian it's hard to be your neighbour right now America. I have not visited you since November 2016. And I used to love hanging out with you. You have all the cool places and sights and people. Oh I love my place too, don't get me wrong but it was a treat coming to see you
I hope that you can get the help you need. I hope that this man you have put in power, who has often been the laughing stock of the world, gets evicted & we can repair this broken i relationship.
I miss the America that used to be the best neighbour but although Canada has enjoyed that top honour I think we would gladly relinquish it back to you.

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