John 6:35 KJV
And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
What are you eating? Some people eat fast food, some people are on special diets, eat meat, or don’t eat meat at all. It’s a well known fact that what we feed ourselves has a great impact on our overall health.
This fact however applies in the spiritual as it does in the physical. We must always be conscious of what we feed ourselves spiritually because it has the ability to impact our walk with God. Jesus tells us if we feed ourselves the things of the world, we will
hunger again, but if we eat of the bread of life and drink of Him, we will never hunger or thirst again. The things of this world are temporary, one day they will all pass away, but the things of our eternal savior are eternal as well. Feed yourselves the things of this world and
you will spend your whole life being hungry and thirsty. If you feed yourself the things of Christ, you will never hunger nor thirst. WHAT ARE YOU FEEDING YOURSELF?
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