I've been thinking a lot about what we watched last night. what it means for this country. and what I can and can't say as a journalist who strives for truth-telling. here's where I've landed:
1/ my dedication to journalism doesn't turn off when I leave the recording booth, and I remain committed to objectivity when I'm in interviews. but this platform is for Kinsey the person, not just Kinsey the journalist. it's a mix of all the things that make me who I am...
2/ a reporter, but also a jokester and a 20-something and a human being. that's why I'm not going to stray away from talking politics for the next 34 days and beyond. this transcends journalism. this is about the future—and making it one that works for all of us
3/ with that, I hope you'll grant every media personality you follow here a little leeway. we can be both objective journalists and people with independent thoughts. would you want to be boxed in as just one thing all the time? probably not! I hope you'll keep that in mind
4/ of course, never ever hold back on holding journalists accountable. we bear an enormous responsibility in writing the first drafts of history, and we must be kept in check appropriately.

but we have hearts and minds beyond just our 9-5s. so! on to my takeaway from last night:
5/ I see so many people saying "just vote!" heck, I've said it myself. but after last night, I'd like to amend that...

VOTE INFORMED. don't vote just to say you did. don't vote the way your parents or friends are. vote for what you want this country to be for the next 4 years*
6/ we have endless resources at our disposal today—resources that can be used to paint a full and accurate picture of this political moment. what a shame it would be to waste all of that. do your homework!
7/ *and consider which candidate refused to condemn white supremacists in front of our nation last night. that has no place in america and certainly not in the oval office. it's not about politics, it's about human decency.
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