1/ In this thread I will explain where I see the market going in the next few years and by consequence where I will be positioned. Some of this will be very controversial, you've been warned 🚨 .
2/ This is mainly for record keeping purposes and (if I'm right), for bragging rights and "I told you so"s. Remember there's always a few people that see what the majority just couldn't at the time.
3/ So, unless you've been living under a rock (or some food meme coin), you might have noticed this month has been jam-packed with regulation news.
6/ I believe the writing is on the wall no matter what crypto influencers, newsletter writers and $ETH / #DeFi maxis believe. The time of the current wild west is coming to an end much sooner than people might expect.
7/ Very soon, the people that will be able to gain generational wealth (the kind that is possible only when a reserve currency is on its last legs) will be the ones adopting a "barbell" investment strategy.
8/ At one end there will be those companies that, despite the disgust of idealists, have aligned themselves with governments and built on those connections.
9/ There are many cryptos in this category, but one and only one will bring by far the ROI of a century and will be a face-melter. Of course, I'm talking about [redacted].
10/ At the other end, there are privacy coins like $XMR and - especially - $XHV. $XHV can tokenize and provide privacy for potentially any asset, making it much more flexible than $XMR.
11/ The reason for which GOV-backed cryptos will do well should be obvious. The reason why privacy coins will also do well should also be obvious.
12/ Soon the IRS (or equivalent) will knock on everyone's door to pay up. Soon GOVs will implement negative interest rates on money directly on your account (or even time-based money which needs to be spent by X point in time).
13/ As such, privacy will take a very special place in the future. Having your account open to everyone is a very dumb idea and more people will soon realize that.
14/ In the middle of the bar are investments that will either not generate wealth, stay stable or slightly decay... and here comes the most controversial part: current #DeFi projects, $ETH and $BTC all belong here.
15/ I would in fact go even more extreme and say that 99.99% of current #DeFi darlings will either be strangled by regulations or simply die out when it's clear they have little purpose in the new (regulated) world.
16/ $BTC will probably still exist, but will no longer be relevant and will stay relatively stable (in my opinion at a price lower than what it is currently, maybe after going to ~50/100k first).
17/ $ETH, assuming ETH2 ships, will go past ATH but will eventually stall or become much less relevant than what it is today. *GASP*, $ETH maxis will kill me. But if you read the same things I did and looked enough in the future, you might start to agree.
18/ So, in summary, like I said in past tweets, the optimal play here is to hold the two sides of the barbell. They both will do very well (though [redacted] will be the absolute best IMHO, and where I have 85% of my money).
19/ This is indeed a controversial take that might alienate a few people. Yet I am deeply convinced. I don't delete anything so if I'm wrong you can happily laugh in my face.
20/ Like I said elsewhere, all coins I mention except [redacted] and $XHV are just used for accumulation in the now. Time will tell who was on the right side of history, but if I am, make sure you remember the guy that rang the bell first.
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