okay here’s the thing. i’ve been trying since the debate started last night to figure out why every time trump spoke out of turn i felt so on edge, why i kept clenching my jaw, why my stomach was in knots.
and i’ve figured it out now—it’s because watching him talk over biden and wallace was triggering ptsd from verbal and emotional abuse.
trump interrupting and speaking over biden was not a good debate strategy, it was not his presidential right, it was not because he knew more about the topic and could speak more effectively about it to inform the american people.
it was, in its most clear form, an abuser using his voice to attempt to assert dangerous power and dominance over a victim.
thankfully, biden didn’t fall victim to this trap. he maintained his composure and continued to talk directly to wallace and the american people (via the camera) instead of letting trump walk all over him.
but frankly, i can’t say the same about my subconscious watching the debate. i felt myself shrinking into my own body, my muscles tightening, willing to do anything, and i mean anything, to make it stop.
that’s how my body reacted when i was being verbally abused. trump’s actions in the debate last night mirrored that of an abuser.
so in case you weren’t already convinced, here is even MORE evidence that this man is dangerous and not fit to lead our country. i don’t know how people can still support him. but alas, here we are.
i probably won’t be watching the next debate, because i don’t want my body to feel this way again. i have to protect myself. i know who i’m voting for, and spending 90 minutes watching a narcissistic abuser attempt to dominate the debate will not change my mind.
that’s all i’ve got, y’all. trump is a horrific person and a horrific president. don’t re-elect him. use your voice. vote.
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