A lot of people are giving Chris Wallace a hard time for his performance last night, from the right and the left. But it's not reasonable to expect one tiny man to keep a raging bumblefuck like Trump under control.

I think the next debate needs a panel of moderators.
And I don't mean just three. Get a whole bunch of people in there. Maybe you could get two moderators to represent the people of each state, and the people of that state could elect the moderators in some sort of "election".
Then those moderators would be responsible for holding the president accountable for his actions. If he broke the rules, they would punish him, or even remove him from the debate.

I know, it sounds outlandish.
Hell you could even have a second group of moderators to back up the first group. Hundreds of them! Allocated by population.

Surely such a system couldn't fail to contain Trump.
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