btw, these digital ones took cues from these analog paintings i did that kind of exist as one object now, after resting like this for months
i thought they weren’t finished but as they sit they become more and more fixed in my mind
thinking a lot about the quickness of digital as opposed to physical painting. i find myself frustrated a lot when working non-digitally - wanting to go over stuff but it’s not dry, wanting to try an idea without it permanently remaining evident even if subsequently removed
and i suppose that contributes to the appeal of the physical - it bears scars of every step of the process, nothing can be reordered or recoloured without losing progress
it becomes more precious to some perspectives, through the nature of being time consuming, materials consuming, mistake consuming
i feel free-er when working digitally, to experiment and do and redo over and over without it having any kind of real consequence either for the finished work or in terms of time and materials - there is less loss involved with digital artmaking
i should clarify - i feel free-er when working with procreate, an immensely user friendly program, and the apple pencil, a beautifully sensitive and precise stylus
previously i had a cheap wacom tablet and photoshop. photoshop, while being a program i have used for coming up on a decade remains opaque and confusing to me. adobe’s apps are not elegant, or user friendly
i should point out that i actually have a certification from adobe congratulating me on how proficient i am at photoshop and i STILL find it a tricky and needlessly complicated program for digital painting
the combo of weird hand-eye coordination and complicated art program always made me feel like i was bad at making art digitally. i was convinced for years i could never be competent at it and i know ‘a bad workman blames his tools’ but like. i’m blamin’ em
idk what the point of this thread is i’ve just been thinking a lot about how the ipad i bought a few months ago is probably the best purchase i’ve made this year, even the last couple of years just because it allowed me to access this space of feeling uninhibited by my materials
i think i can make it do whatever i can imagine which is where we should be aiming with tech right? for art purposes
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