✍️ Thread of questions about writing because I'm bored and curious. QRT with your answers! 💻
What about writing appeals to you?
How long have you been writing for?
What fandoms do you write for? Any fandoms you wrote for in the past but don't anymore?
What ships do you write for? Any ships you wrote for in the past but don't anymore?
During what time of day do you prefer to write?
Do you have a favorite spot in which you like to write? Are there any writing "rituals" you need to perform in order to write?
Do you write while listening to music? If yes, do you have any curated writing playlists?
How would you explain your style of writing?
What are your favorite tropes to write?
Are there any tropes you won't touch with a ten-foot pole?
How do you feel about Major Character Death?
How do you feel about smut?
How do you feel about ABO?
What is your favorite type of AU to write?
Where do you get your ideas from? What inspires you?
Do you write your story chronologically or do you jump around?
Do you plan out your stories or do you let your Muse take you where it will?
Describe your editing process.
What do you think are your writing strengths?
What do you think are your writing weaknesses?
How do you support fellow writers in the fanfic community?
Finally, what is the one story you are the proudest of and why? Don't forget to share the link!
You can follow @owltypeao3.
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