Volunteering for the Morgentaler clinic was easily one of the best things I've ever done with my life. Being a clinic escort was bittersweet - I hated that I had to do it, but knowing that I was helping folks made it worth it.
Volunteering as a clinic escort was my introduction to abortion activism. Experiencing anti-abortion protesters up close was a surreal experience. I was called a lot of names by the protesters, but that was nothing compared to what they said to folks seeking abortion care
My first interaction with a protester was with a woman we called "Red hat". There was an altercation between her and an escort- they ran into each other, RH accused the escort of pushing and called the police
The city police showed up at the same time that I was walking into the clinic with a client from the parking lot. RH stopped mid police interview to SCREAM some nonsense about killing babies at us. The policewoman had to ask to her stop, several times.
There is another incident that is burned into my mind. Sometimes clients would show up with their children - because they could not afford childcare. One day a few of us were walking into the clinic with a client who had brought their young infant.
Two of the escorts took the client and their baby into the backdoor (we had folks with children go through the back door so we didn't upset other clients who might be having a hard time). One of the protesters saw us and started screaming that "they kill babies like yours here"
Sometimes the folks seeking abortions would trust us with their stories, some were heartbreaking, most were mundane. Many of the people were already parents, hardly any were under 25. I learned a lot about my own misconceptions of what "type" of person needs abortion care.
The last day that they Morgentaler clinic was open, I spoke to the partner of one of the clients. He told me that his partner wanted an abortion because she wanted to finish school, and didn't want a baby right now.
He admitted to me that he didn't really understand, he thought they'd be able to get by, but that it didn't matter. He supported her 100% and couldn't wait to have a family when she was ready.
I met so many supportive partners, friends, and family. It makes me happy to know that most folks who accessed abortion care at the Morgentaler clinic had someone there to support them.
There were of course folks who didn't. I remember one person, they had traveled from Wolfville, NS. I picked them up at their hotel that morning, as they didn't have a car. After my volunteer shift, the clinic manager asked me if I would drive them back to the bus stop.
I said yes, of course. It was going to be a long drive, and they said they hadn't packed a lunch. Immediately the nurses started going through their own lunches to put one together for the client to take with them.
The people who worked there were next level wonderful.
I'm rambling, but it is because this clinic means so much to me, and to so many other people.
When the Morgentaler clinic closed, we had no idea what we were going to do. Activists worked so hard, and ended up raising $125,000 to help open Clinic 554.
We knew it was just a band-aid, so we actively pressured politicians to commit to funding Clinic 554 during the 2014 election. @BrianGallantNB campaigned on "removing all barriers to abortion access", but for some reason stopped short of funding abortion outside of hospitals.
So, 6 years later, here we are again. We don't have a lucky band-aid solution this time. Clinic 554 will close today, and Doctor Edgar is moving on.
To say I am devastated is an understatement.
I'm tired. Tired of begging different governments to pretty please fund basic reproductive healthcare. I'm tired of doing the governments job for them - Clinic 554 never should have had to eat the costs of providing abortions.
I'm mad. I'm mad that @BrianGallantNB spent 4 years not funding Clinic 554. I'm mad that MLAs who were in his cabinet are all of a sudden in favour of funding clinic 554 - why did none of you speak up when you were part of the governing party?
I'm mad that @JustinTrudeau promised in 2 different elections that he would make sure Clinic 554 was funded - and continues to state that a federal liberal government will ensure that the charter right to abortion will be upheld, and yet clinic 554 remains unfunded.
This is a sad day, one that I have already experienced and had hoped I wouldn't have to experience again. I'm sending love out to all the people who were patients of clinic 554 who are losing their primary care provider, and to the people who rely on clinic 554
I am so sorry that we couldn't save it 😭
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