Financial scam history for those interested in both scams and accrued interest:
In the early 80s Drysdale Securities went bust and caused a loss for Chase, their agent, of tens to hundreds of millions and almost brought them down.
As large rates were coming down, Drysdale lost money on their bets. They hid them by borrowing high coupon Treasuries, and putting up only the flat price without accrued interest, which for high coupons in those days was large.
In those days you could borrow without putting up accrued interest — so complicated to figure it out!
Then they sold those Treasuries for the full price and so hid their losses by marking fake gains. Eventually of course they had to return the Treasuries and the coupons etc
Those were the days when a crookedloss of tens of millions could potentially bring down a bank. Thank God even trillions is no big deal these days.
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