After last night’s debate, so many of us are feeling disgusted and disheartened. I want to be really clear here though, while last night was ugly, chaotic and unacceptable in many ways both sides of this are not the same.

A thread...
When asked about the election, one candidate urged people watching to visit a voter registration website; to make a plan to vote that is safe for them given the still-climbing COVID cases around the country.

The other candidate refused to comment on a transition if he loses, continued to lie about voter fraud, and urged his supporters to go watch the polls--which unless you’re functioning as an election observer and within those guidelines, is illegal.

I’m voting for former Vice President Joe Biden, and I would urge you to as well.

Because at the end of the day, I still believe that a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” is an ideal worth striving for.

At the end of the day, I want an America where white supremacy is handily and readily denounced at every turn and “the people” means more than just people who look like me.

I’m voting for Joe Biden because while America may have been founded for the benefit of white land-owning men, I want us to keep striving to become the America people like MLK., Fannie Lou Hamer, Grace Lee Boggs, Alice Paul, César Chávez, and Bayard Rustin dreamed we could be.
I’m voting for Joe Biden because the disillusionment and pull to sit this one out in disgust is a space afforded to me by the insulation of my privilege...

...and loving my neighbor means recognizing privilege is not a permission slip to allow my neighbor to be harmed because I don’t want to be bothered by parsing out uncomfortable truths from appealing lies.

You can follow @mwestramke.
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