My takeaways and advice for @realDonaldTrump from last nights debate. I think we can all agree that the constant interruptions aren’t doing either candidate any favors. And while I have no idea the exact count of interruptions by Trump vs Biden, the perception today is that it...
... was far more Trump and I’m fairly certain that’s accurate. That needs to end. As difficult as it is to stand there and listen to blatant lies being told about you, that’s the job and that’s the reason for the debate. It’s clear now that Biden has no platform. The few things..
... that he did bring up that were “original” are all far fetched standard political theatre. “New jobs” “Better healthcare” yada yada have been spewed out by every politician in the last 50 years. They’re empty promises and designed as talking points. We’re so much smarter...
... than this now. We understand without a plan NOTHING works. Until Biden says HOW he’s going to do all these things, he’s not fooling anyone. Trump has the facts on his side. USE THEM! Why he is not bringing up the revised CoVid numbers is beyond me. Why NOBODY seems to have...
... noticed that last week the CDC claimed CoVid isn’t even airborne is beyond me. Tell the public these facts. Announce those survival rates on TV. Do it starting today! Not everyone knows about Cue. Not everyone likes Trump but people are being shielded from the truth by the...
... MSM. Use that to your advantage Mr President. Hit them with numbers that they can fact check themselves. Tell them to go to  etc to see for themselves. Then ask them if they find it curious that no media outlets found these things newsworthy! Many...
... are woke. But many are not. There are millions of voters on the fence still. They may not like you and that may never change but remind them of all the good you’ve done so far. How many wars have you started? How many peace deals? Record unemployment. Record jobs and stock...
... market numbers. This was all taken away from ALL OF US. Remind them of that. When you come off as our friend and not our President the people like you much more. Also, attacking Joe’s children is a risk and one I would’ve cautioned you against before hand. Mentioning...
... crooked and illegal deals is ok. Mentioning drug use is not. We all know someone who has been affected by drugs and if someone attacked my kid for that I’d be pretty pissed off too. Stick to the serious laws they break. Not the misdemeanors. There is more than enough to...
... attack him on without hitting below the belt. As for the mail in ballots? You heard him blatantly deny that there is any evidence of it ever being a problem. Your base knows the truth. Many millions others do not. Give them the facts. Bring up not only the stories about...
... ballots in ditches but also be sure to mention @Project_Veritas and their recent exposure of what’s going on in Minnesota. The other stories sound like made up “conspiracy theories” so use the story that’s 100% fact checkable. @Project_Veritas has VIDEO and AUDIO of what...
... they’re doing. Direct people to that site! Use the work we are doing for you to your advantage. Finally, yesterday brought about the biggest story of this entire #SPYGATE narrative. The stuff that was declassified PROVES everything you’ve been saying for FOUR years!! Bring...
... it up. But do it on your time. Take some stupid question time that was designated for “climate change” and use that time to present facts about Spygate. The media is not your friend. The media is not the people’s friend either. They are openly and blatantly suppressing any...
... and all stories that make you look good. So use their time against them on these stages. The People want truth not fairy tales about climate change. Oh and one last thing. You NEED to denounce any and all hate groups. I know you’re not a racist. Your base knows you’re not a..
... racist. But Americans are TOLD you are! So figure out a way to make your stance even more clear than you already have. I know you’ve denounced it a thousand times and I know the question was phrased in a way to make you do a double take. It worked last night. Be..
... ready for those sneaky phrased questions with a no nonsense answer. “I denounce ANY and ALL groups who promote racial divides” then make the people learn the truth about BLM and ANTIFA. Nobody knows much about the proud boys believe it or not. Do you know why? It’s because...
... they aren’t out burning down buildings and looting and killing. We all know who is. Show that there is a very well known connection between Soros and these groups. Then connect Soros to the Dems. Spell it out for those who are still blinded by the lies sir. Those are the...
... people who need to hear it. Your base is not going anywhere. We have your back from here to eternity. Focus on those not in the know. Focus on those who think Cue is a “baseless conspiracy theory” then show them the light. They WILL follow eventually sir. I promise you that..
... In conclusion there’s no doubt you dominated that stage last night. Biden looked weak and feeble throughout the whole show. Wallace didn’t do you any favors either but I assume you were prepared for that. The truth is on your side Mr President. Use it!! State the facts that..
... the #FakeNews won’t share with this Country. Give them places to go look. Tell them to go “Fact check” it themselves and to quit relying on @snopes or @CNN to tell them what’s real and what’s not. If you and your alphabet friend have taught us one thing it’s this. There is...
... so much open source information out there that anyone, anytime can dig up dirt at a moments notice if they just know where to look. You won that debate last night sir. But you annoyed a lot of people with the interruptions. Clean that up a little and I think you dominate...
... the rest of the way. The polls are fake. Everyone knows that. Your rally’s coupled with the yard signs, car parades, boat parades etc clearly show the public who is going to win this election. If Cue Team has the vote secured then its a SLAM DUNK Mr President. Your base...
... stands behind you. This Country stands behind you. The truth is on your side. It’s time to unleash it on the normies. When you are ferocious you are unstoppable. There’s no doubt about it. God Bless you Sir and Where We Go One. WE GO ALL!!! #FIGHTBACK #2020PresidentialDebate
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