a question thread for solo louies: quote w/ your answers :)
1. the questions are mainly aimed towards SOLO louies jsyk (people who stan louis only and not 1D)
2. follow me for more ha 😏
when did you become a solo louie?
did u ever stan one direction? who was your fave then?
did u ever ship Iarry at a point?
what's your favourite thing about solo louies?
let's pretend the 1D hiatus is over and they reunite, would you become a directioner or stay a solo stan?
tag your favourite solo louies 🥺
would u rather have zouis become friends again or a louaylor collab?
were u ever scared of solo louies until you became one?
quote this w your thoughts on louis choosing 1D over acting
quickly have u followed me and my main @5sosftlouis yet? 🙄
what's your favourite louis solo in a one direction song?
what's a common misconception about louies/solo louies?
let's settle this, who really IS the biggest louie? (no shade but i know who isnt 😏)
also can we all agree that every solo louie's favorite 1D album is either mitam or midnight memories?😌
lastly, was this thread fun?
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