I’ve read nearly 200 books 📚 on self help/finance/motivation

Here are my top 10 favorites👀

I obviously haven’t read all the books in the world, so I’m sure there are some other GREAT books out there

But these are my top 10 that I have read!

If you are ever needing a book recommendation, send me a DM!

Let’s get it🤝
10. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” - @theRealKiyosaki

One of Money Twitter’s favorites

This book teaches us to put your money into assets, that increase over time, not liabilities

If you are looking for a book on financial literacy, then this is for you!
9. “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” - @IAmMarkManson

It’s not about giving a f*ck MORE

It’s about giving a f*ck LESS

And, only giving a f*ck about what is important NOW

If you are looking for a book that teaches focusing on what matters, then this book is for you!
8. “Mindset” - Carol Dweck

This book opened my eyes to the “fixed mindset vs. growth mindset” debate

Growth mindset > fixed mindset

If you are looking for a book that teaches the importance of continuous growth in your life, then this book is for you!
7. “Extreme Ownership” - @jockowillink

You MUST take ownership for the things that happen in your life

If you are looking for a book that teaches you the importance of taking ownership and control of your life, then this book is definitely for you!
6. “Think and Grow Rich” -Napoleon Hill

This book teaches us that we HAVE to want it

We have to BELIEVE we can get there

Don’t QUIT

Surround yourself with GREAT PEOPLE

If you are looking for a book that teaches the mindset of belief and wealth, then this book is for you!
5. “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” - @ramit

One of my favorite money books, this book teaches us that WE are responsible for our finances and WE must take action for our financial future

If you are looking for a book that teaches basics to money, then this is for you!
4. “The Magic of Thinking Big” -David Schwartz, PhD

To do anything in life, you MUST believe in yourself

When you believe in yourself, the first step to success is taken care of

If you are looking for a book that will help you believe in yourself, then this book is for you!
3. “Can’t Hurt Me” - @davidgoggins

David Goggins shares his life story and how it is IMPERATIVE that we work to callous our minds and push past where we think we can go

If you don’t think it’s possible to achieve success, then this story is for you!
2. “The Millionaire Next Door” -Thomas Stanley & William Danko

I love this book because it is a real study of millionaires, people who are just like YOU

If you are looking for a book that shows how many ordinary people have became millionaires, then this book is for you!
1. “How To Win Friends And Influence People” -Dale Carnegie

This book teaches us so many things that can help YOU become a better person!

If you are looking for an all around book on bettering your skills with other people and in life, then this book is for you!
I hope you enjoyed reading through my list of my favorite books I’ve read!

I’m always looking for more to read so drop your favorites in the replies👇

I appreciate you reading this far🙏

Send me a DM with any questions!

Much love!

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