something that's getting twisted: the lesson of last night's debate was not that civil discourse is dead. that's like watch a child on the playground bully another kid for 90 minutes, while we all watch in horror, and conclude, 'it's a shame kids can't get along these days!'
civil discourse *is* in decline, but one person on the stage was trying to have a debate and the other person wanted to destroy all norms and decency and debase his opponent *and the moderator* because he's terrified. much like the playground bully, actually
I'm seeing lots of Christian leaders on my tl once again do the both sides thing, which I think is very unhelpful, even untruthful, in its lack of specificity.
I also imagine a lot of those leaders didn't watch the debate, which tbh, fair. I question whether it was good to watch. But then don't come on here with the sanctimony about civility and centrism.
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