Being the oldest daughter & cousin to all the kids in my family has given the reputation as being really cool but always annoying cause I ask teenage girls in my family

“Now who’s opinion is that cause it don’t sound like yours”
Not cause I am trying to shame them but girls & femmes spend years such being trained to accept the opinions of the men & mascs around them.
So we get gaslit and abused, ain’t nobody gon say it to them but me. Guess what tho my sisters ain’t been groomed sleep w/ adults cuz of it
I want the future generation of people like me to not have “ah ha” moments after they’ve been treated like shit.
So many of us take ages to accept that we don’t deserve the bullshit
The power of being able to tell men they have you fucked up and if they don’t change their paltry “friendships” that they ask or demand for will literally just be the same labor without a title... fucking priceless, wish I had learned earlier.
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