An Objective view of last nights debate. Disclaimer i don’t endorse either president. My views are my own. Lets begin
Trump-Very distastful. Shots at Bidens family. 0 condemning of White Supremacy. Lied about his taxes. Would not shut the hell up. Back tracked on his words. Had no plan for voter suppression. Had no plan for corona and lied about his views on it. No plan on police brutality
Trump- I personally didn’t see him make any “good” points but he without a doubt was aggressive in the debate and got his “points” out and connected with his base. Who ever they may be.
Biden- Biden did terrible this debate. He had no clear cut plan it seems on Corona. He lied about his family ties with foreign states. He lied about Police groups supporting him. He doesn’t seem to have a clear goal of how to fix police brutality.
Biden- he could have had some very good points. But Biden mental capacity isn’t there so he ends up rambling. I will give him points for not going as low as trump. But as far as the debate went he didn’t really do or say anything.
One last thing over all. Condemning your friends to vote for either candidate because you hate the other guy is making you a bad person. And will literally make them lie to you on who they are voting for just to shut you up.
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