A long thread about Michael Morpurgo & how he came to endorse my book THE LAST BEAR - which yes is the stuff of dreams! He is a legend, the kindest man & the most wonderful of writers. I remember reading The Butterfly Lion a few years back & loving it so much. (1/9)
When I finally was brave enough to write my own MG book, I wanted to write about all the things which mattered most to me - animals, the planet & our responsibility towards this wonderful world of ours. But in truth, I was a bit afraid. Because when I looked around me . . . (2/9)
Most of the other MG books seemed be funny or fantasy. I thought who is going to possibly like my book? It's so emotional! But then I remembered Michael Morpurgo. By this point I devoured all his books, been to see War Horse & become his number one fan! It gave me courage. (3/9)
So, when I wrote to agents I said my book was for fans of Michael Morpurgo. Just writing this made me wince. How preposterous to even put myself in the same sentence. (And I still feel that) BUT I ended up getting the agent of my dreams who didn't laugh when I said this. (4/9)
Then we subbed to publishers & very quickly I got an offer for my little Bear book from @HarperCollinsCh ! Can you imagine? There I am sat in their office surrounded by Micheal Morpurgo books thinking I had entered a different reality. It was surreal & I admit I cried. (5/9)
HarperCollins have been the dream to work with. So when they said who did I want to ask for endorsements, I said in a very squeaky voice - Michael Morpurgo. Even though it felt SO out of my league. But this book has always been the bigger impact it can make so I had to ask. (6/9)
Things went quiet. And then suddenly, weeks later, I get an email from my lovely lovely editor saying Michael Morpurgo LOVED my book. I cried again. Not because he endorsed my book - that is huge. For the book & for polar bears. But because my dream had come full circle. (7/9)
So what I'm trying to say here is sometimes it's okay to dream big - even if it feels totally out of reach. A year ago if you had said Michael Morpurgo was going to endorse my book - I would have laughed in your face. But dreams DO come true. So never underestimate yourself.(8/9)
And, finally, I can't write this entire thread without sharing what he says about THE LAST BEAR: “This is an important first novel, important for us, for polar bears, for the planet. It is deeply moving, beautifully told, quite unforgettable.” Michael Morpurgo. (9/9) ❀
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