There have been and are calls for mandated closure of public/private spaces (incl physical activity facilities of all sizes). Rather than arguing the merits of such decisions (which are outside my expertise) I would suggest the following (thread)...
1) Orgs and facilities (sport clubs, community centres, large gyms, boutique coaching/training facilities and outdoor sport/group organizers should maintain disciplined and strong hygiene and screening practices.
2) Individual participants should mindfully evaluate their physical activity needs, including consideration of evidence-based guidelines (such as those published by @CSEPdotCA in Canada).
3) Individuals should evaluate the local environment for necessary, useful but not necessary, and “nice-to-have” supports and advocate in favour of safe access when and where necessary.
4) Facilities/orgs should identify, adopt and PROMOTE their strategies to remain financially viable while respecting public health guidelines. The onus is also on participants to actively support and engage with their local org or facility!
Final thought: I applaud the many orgs, facilities, businesses and participants already taking these steps. My point is that physical activity promotion ought not to stop, even in uncertain times. @YGuelph @ParticipACTION @YMCAOntario @OSHFtweets @OCDPA @CSEPdotCA (End thread)
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