Isaiah 56 this morning.
“Preserve justice & do what is right.” For the life of me, I do not know how on earth an open set of eyes can look over our nation’s history & honestly deny a pervasive stronghold of white supremacy. I won’t deny it. As a follower of Jesus, I denounce it.
I am prolife to the marrow of my bones. I am prolife from conception to the grave &, therefore, I find no home in this 2 party system. But I am 100% positive as a follower of Jesus that, when I see His face, I want to have stood against injustice and stood up for the oppressed.
No amount of winning is worth shipwrecking our faith. I am bound to Jesus Christ. To the ways of the cross. My aim here is to stand where I believe, based on the Gospels, Jesus would be found. I cannot serve you well and serve Caesar. Nope.
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