There is something that I think most people don’t want to admit: Donald Trump is the logical conclusion of American Electoral Politics in that he takes its general theatrics to its limits. And if you pay attention to Biden’s words, you see how he is part of the veil too.
Look at the ways in which they both talked about Climate Change, Race, and Healthcare as if they were objects of fandom and not human rights. This is why they attach those things to their construction of the character, Bernie, to justify their scrutiny.
This is why, imo, Bernie is not a great politician because he refuses to play into the theatrics. His stances on Climate Change and Healthcare weren’t to raise his political character’s populism (Obama).
It was from his personal assessments of the material conditions of the US
This is why the establishment desperately categorizes things like Medicare for All as attributes of Bernie as opposed to just general things that alter the fabric of how we operate in America. To understand Electoral Politics, is to understand how it teaches you to hate yourself.
So when older folks say “You’re just mad Bernie lost” I laugh and think to myself, “No. I’m just mad that someone with Diabetes might die cause they can’t afford their insulin.”

I don’t care about old white men theater. I never had, and never will.
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