Why look at media debate scorecards when what Facebook influencers are saying is likely to be far more important! With that, a quick thread roundup of Charismatic/Pentecostal Facebook after the debate last night...
Let’s start with Wallnau, arguably the most influential voice on the religious right. A straight up fake quote (Biden said vote early, period). Lance has been going big for weeks on the vote being stolen.
Pastor Locke, who hosted Roger Stone as he was “born again” recently. There’s a line emerging that Biden and Wallace were bullying brave Mr Trump
LeClaire, who is much more of a winks and nods prophet, going hard on not tolerating lies and truth-seeking
The big one to watch today will be ‘Biden saying Inshallah’. I can’t tell you how many people still talk about Hillary/Democrats packing the courts with sharia law judges
I’ll update this throughout the day, as I think traditional media is still not coming to grips with the importance of what takes off on Facebook
A live broadcast on “the storm” and the spiritual warfare needed to fight The Demons behind ~all this~. He says the battle is cosmic, but the effect on believers is to feel constantly under attack
Franklin Graham, routinely one of @FacebooksTop10 most shared posts each day, offers Christian dominionism wrapped in conciliatory language
Trump’s personal spiritual advisor PWC is just coasting right now, her posts have a real Instagram mom/self help vibe
You can follow @ellehardy.
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