Hey @OliverDowden @RishiSunak! For a bit of context, I work as a promoter assistant which means I help book live tours for artists. Assuming I'm just dealing with a single date at a single venue for an artist, it still involves the following 'viable' jobs...
Agent assistant
Promoter assistant (hiya!)
Promoter marketing
Promoter press
Promoter ticketing
Promoter finance
Promoter VIP dept
Promoter production
Promoter support staff - reception, office manager, company manager, customer services

Venue diary contact
Venue manager
Venue marketing
Venue press
Venue box office
Venue contracts dept
Venue finance

External ticket agent staff(and there's usually a few agencies per tour)

And this is before a show even goes on sale. Once it does, we can also add...
Promoter production rep
Promoter VIP rep (hello @danceforthrills!)
Tour manager
Tour security
Tour musicians
Tour dancers
Tour crew
Production designer
Local crew
Venue stewards
Venue security
Merch sellers
Bar staff

...that's before you include the companies that provide the backline, lighting, barriers, merch, rehearsal space, the ad agencies, legal services, insurers, photographers, record label, artwork designers etc etc...
...and you also need to take into account the money gig goers spend in the local economy on their way to shows - the transport they take there, parking they pay for, bars and restaurants they go to pre-show, hotels they stay in if they 'make a weekend of it'...
Now that's based on ONE show. Imagine it's part of 30 date tour, maybe spread across a few promoters -the jobs one tour supports keep multiplying. I work for a company who promote hundreds of tours and thousands of shows a year. That's a mind boggling amount of people involved...
...and a lot are freelancers who work across various sectors of the events industry. These jobs are viable - people are still buying tickets for tours, the market's there. We just need support for the short-term. So how about it @OliverDowden @RishiSunak? #WeMakeEvents
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