I need y’all to know that every time one of your game dev takes involves the word “lazy”, you immediately lose standing in my eyes.
I’m not a Sith (probably), so no absolutes, but laziness is rarely the reason why something was or wasn’t done in a game. Video games are extremely complex projects, and that complexity is multiplied when it comes to AAA.
Bigger project = more stakeholders = longer turnaround time making decisions.

Devs are constantly reevaluating what can be done before the next deadline. It’s an incredible amount of work to keep track of it all (shoutout to all you lovely producers 🙏🏼)
So many folks are quick to assume laziness on the part of the devs when they have no visibility on what went on behind the scenes. There’s a pretty high chance that any “lazy” decision you point to has a long history of discussion, iteration, and compromises.
You know our industry has a high burnout rate in part because devs willingly overwork out of passion, right? That companies often exploit that? Doesn’t sound lazy to me.

Assuming that devs aren’t fighting to deliver the best game possible is the actual lazy take.
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