I am calmer now, so I suppose my response to this will be more objective than it would have been otherwise.
Are men the only ones to have a natural urge?

If not, why is the sex ratio of rapists is so drastically different from the sex ratio of the victims?

As for the food-sex quote, I just Googled but could not find this quote. Do you have a source or did you make this one up?
This is a dangerous statement, for it as good as assumes (though I cannot prove the assumption *legally*)

- "sex through marriage" is never rape and
- married men do not rape

Also, who is going to tell him?
Aah, so it has come to this.

Do you really think rape is only about sex? Really?

Whatever you have become now, you had a long career... was this what you observed?

Do *I* need to tell *you* that it is really about power?
36.1 crores (1951 census) and 31.9 (1941) as per the Government of India site.

The death count during Partition is estimated between 2 and 20 lakhs.

I shall let this one pass as it is not relevant.

Also, as per YOUR numbers, 42 and 135, threefold is closer than fourfold.
The accused in this incident were quite well-to-do.

The same holds for numerous other rapists.

If you can provide enough examples to match mine, it will only prove that financial status has nothing to do with rape.
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