Banal bourgeois libs don't need to scapegoat me as "fascist" because I don't have any power. The left, being idealists to their bones, think discursive influence = real power. They exist in a social class where discursive influence = promotion, nyt column, patreon $, tenure, etc
In the media/academy/politico industrial complex, being interesting or influential among your peers confers economic advantages. But this is only because they already have immense power, backed up by academic institutions, legacy + social media, the Democratic Party etc.
The left are more idealistic, so they viciously attack *powerless people* with "bad ideas", as if destroying them were righteous, as if "bad" ideas are inherently powerful. Left politics are reactionary *because* they are utopian & because they are idealistic, not in spite of it.
To put it more simply, the idealism and utopianism of the bourgeoisie, their lofty goals, their best laid plans, their noble intentions, are always PAID FOR by working people. They never have to foot the bill. The costs of their delusions of grandeur always trickle down.
So when AOC fills your head with bullshit, with fantasies, they are very pretty. But her leftist idealism is a rhetorical weapon that artfully conceals the class structure of society. It's not "ideas" that will drive the GND, it's the profits to be made by exploiting workers.
The more utopian the left is, the more useful footsoldiers they are for capital. As idealists, they 100% deny their own class (petit bourgeois), ignore it's social role (footsoldiers for bourgeoisie) then their utopian moralism conceals the brutal class forces driving the machine
This is at the core of everything they do. Totalising denial of their class interests is a necessary ideological buffer. If they weren't delusional about their own class, if they weren't dogmatically individualistic, if they were obliged to anything or anyone beyond themselves...
...then they wouldn't be such useful servants to their bourgeois paymasters. For petit bourgeois ideologues, shamelessness is a strength. Just be as totally delusional, grandiose and exploitative as you can, and you will advance. Accumulating capital is their only objective.
This is why they are so fucking brutal. So reactionary. Because they're just cogs in a machine whose sole purpose is extracting value out of the people below. That's all they can do. Anyone who doesn't do that, can't do that, is spat out of the political/academic/media machine.
Leftists weaponise an entire media ecology to relentlessly propagandise their delusional worldview so eventually good decent people are taken in by it, trained to hate, fear and ostracise people who tell the truth, all because telling the truth threatens the left's empire of lies
I disagree with the right on many things. But they don't do that. They do not go scorched earth on people without any power. They don't pretend to be the voice of the voiceless. It's sick & twisted that the left has successfully psyop-ed people into thinking they're the good guys
The right don't destroy people with whom they disagree. Some even value fascist concepts like loyalty & duty. Like treating people with dignity & recognising their humanity. The left deserves nothing but contempt until they reacquaint themselves with those "fascist values".

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