(THREAD) We need to talk about Savarna apathy.

If this seems like an alien concept to you, know that you are the target audience. Savarna apathy is the foundation of this nation. It is the erasure of minority lives. It is violence.
It is the apathy, born from Savarna upbringing, towards minority issues. It is the assumption that DBAs will always remain marginalised and that there's nothing they can do about it.
Savarna individuals, both in India and abroad, are raised with zero understanding of how our very existence is a result of the systemic oppression meted out against DBA individuals.
It is what has enabled to live in our bubbles of privilege, removed from the realities of Savarna misogyny and patriarchy being used to silence DBA women and queer and trans folks.

If you're asking yourself how this Savarna apathy can be abolished, here's how.

We are products of caste endogamy. The fact that one of us occupies physical space means that DBA folks have had to suffer.
2. Centre DBA women and queer and trans folks in your discussions. Uplift their work, their social media presences, and their voices.
3. Always relegate yourself to the background when it comes to anti-caste discussions. Ask questions, introspect, and unlearn. And FFS, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Don't be an Ar*ndhati Roy.
4. FEEL SOME FUCKING GUILT. Channel that guilt into empathetic behaviour. Know that that guilt is a permanent part of you and that it should be used, along with your privilege, to highlight DBA struggles.
5. Read, read, and read some more. Read Teltumbde, read Ambedkar, explore anti-caste writers and literature. All of it is available, for free, online. Don't make excuses.
6. Call out Savarna patriarchy on the reg. AFAB individuals (non-binary people and cis women) and AMAB trans and non-binary folks in India are harmed by this consistently; DBAs more so.
7. Remember that there is no such thing as a good Savarna. There will not be unless each and every Savarna existing in this world unites against the erasure of DBA struggles. And even then, it will not erase our violent and casteist history. Always remember this.
Will add more to this thread as and when I unlearn and introspect. Remember; this is a work in progress. As all human beings are.
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