I want this platform to spread love between all gamers, so I thought I’d make a thread of some reasons why Console gaming and PC Gaming are equals. So this’ll be a long ass thread, but I’ll just send this to whoever is being a PCMR Asshat... <3
1. Bad PC Ports: Now this can be a problem on Console but it happens wayyyy less. And it really sucks for PC Gamers, games like RDR2, GTA4, MGS1 & 2, etc are pretty much completely inaccessible for our PC friends

But that does mean its a positive or console as it’s way more rare
2. Maintenance: This may not bother some people but you really have to keep up with your computer to make sure it works, make sure a part didn’t go loose, break, etc.

With Console the most you have to do is clean it ever so often. So it’s way easier to keep up with maintenance
3. Physical Games: Some people (like me) love to have an actually physical collection, to actually own our games in person. But that isn’t a thing on PC anymore, and it sucks as a lot of people prefer an in person collection. It also screws up some collectors editions too.
4. Some Games Don’t Work: Now I’ve played on PC quite a bit, and some games just straight up won’t work or load. Fallout 3 is a good example as you need an outdated service to run it, so you have to go through major complications just to run the game.
5. No Quality Filter on Steam: Dont get me wrong this is a double edged sword, it allows for games that otherwise may not be allowed, but also allows for complete shovel ware/cash grabs. Id love at least some sort of filter on Steam. At least console has a quality filter
6. Exclusives: The big cahuna

40% of GOTY nominees are Console exclusive as well as 41% of the winners

PS3 & PS4 are especially hard to emulate making emulation points moot

Console exclusives are some of the best games this market has to offer. You won’t want to miss that
7. Ease of Purchase: It is 10x easier to purchase a PS5/XSX/NS then it is to buy and build a PC. You have to study the parts, what they do, know how to build it, make sure you get everything compatible, etc. It’s extremely stressful, and it’s so much easier to purchase a console
8. Game Optimization: Since Consoles only have a few configurations it makes it so much easier to optimize a game, bring out the best in consoles and have it look better than an equal spec PC. With PC you have to account for 1000+ configurations and it’s not as optimized.
9. Price: Another big Kahuna

With consoles you can pay between $300-$500 launch day, finance it for $25-$35 or buy it for $100-$200 off Ebay.

Even PC players can admit you cannot beat the price for what you’re getting, it’s completely unbeatable.
10: Couch Co-op: This is pretty much nonexistent on PC. Even if it became a thing I feel 2 sweaty dudes on a chair wouldn’t be as fun.

But I grew up with this, it’s fun as hell playing Halo, Minecraft, Call of Duty, etc. Right besides some friends and just having a great time
11. Less Hacking: This is still an existing issue on consoles don’t get me wrong. But it is to a WAYY less extent. Some games on PC are just plagued with it making them either unplayable or not fun at all. This is becoming a lesser issue but it’s still prevalent nonetheless
12. Portability: Now this isn’t the biggest issue, but it is wayyy easier to take a Console to a friends place rather than a PC.

PC’s have more cords, they are heavier, somewhat exposed parts, glass exterior, etc. Making portability a nightmare in comparison.
13. Handheld Consoles: Handheld consoles are a blessing, being able to play your favourite games on the go is just the greatest. They also have extremely worthwhile exclusives as well. They may not be powerful but they are practical.

Ex. PSP, PSVita, Nintendo Switch, 3DS, etc.
14. Internet Connection: You don’t really need internet to play on a console, I know cause I’ve had to deal with that for a long time. But with PC, since physical games aren’t a thing, it’s pretty much impossible to play on PC if you live somewhere without internet.
15. Needs Required to Play: a console needs
- Tv
- Console

- Desk
- Mouse
- Monitor
- Keyboard
- Headset/Mic + Stereo
- The computer itself along with the 8+ things inside.

You need a lot less to play a Console, and it’s helpful with cost, and Judy’s simplicity.
16. Selling Games: You can’t really sell digital games can you? With Console you can just sell your games once you’ve finished them and make upwards of 60% of your money back. It helps with cost, clutter, and it’s great for when you don’t need them anymore
17. Counter argument for Online: As you know Console players pay for online. But you make that money back. With Xbox you get 360+ games yearly, with PS 30+, and with Nintendo 150+. You get 100% of your money back from the free games, even saving a lot of money on top of that.
18. Achievements/Trophy System: it’s 100% better implemented on Consoles. Especially evident by the 50k trophy subreddit

For one you don’t have to pay for badges/trophies on console. No matter if it’s a few cents, it’s fucking stupid. It’s also unsatisfactory compared to console
This is as far as I’ll update this thread for now, but if I get any other points I’ll make sure to add them

This is not meant to hate on PC in any way, I love the system and the community. It’s just sometimes PC gamers with a superiority complex need to be put in their place

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