On the topic of Biden appearing to be wired: I posted this from another's post, not expecting it to go viral. Instead, I thought it would be a good topic to discuss among a few of my regular followers. I sincerely apologize to anyone who feels deceived or not knowing about...1/8
"Lav Mic's" or how audio is set up. I'm just a fellow Patriot who likes to drop down the occasional rabbit hole and/or debunk things...including this if it's not a "wire". To be fair, with all the speculation and evidence of Biden wearing an ear piece and using teleprompter...
it is reasonable to suspect he would be wired. Especially after agreeing to pre-debate inspection, then backing out. I was not the only one who noticed this or suspected it, either. If this is just a "Lav Mic", then the one who deceived you, me, all of us was Biden himself...
He knew full well that we would be looking for something and he went out of his way to maneuver his hand and lapel to "troll" us. If this is what happened, he was successful. For that I will accept responsibility. But...
with all that we as a country have been through, how divided we are, what kind of candidate for president, claiming to be the one to "unite" us or "heal" the nation, what kind of smarmy person would exploit those fears or suspicions so deliberately? Joe Biden, that's who. ...
Someone who's been playing politics and gaming not only the system, but gaming our American values of honesty, faith, and trust. Again, I admit, I innocently believed it was a wire. And, again, I apologize for any misunderstanding or misrepresentation implied by sharing it.
As I've said, if @realDonaldTrump says he also had a "Lav Mic", then it's settled. But, I stand by my suspicion that if it was a Lav Mic, Biden exploited that and only confirms he is not to be trusted. That's known as "chicanery".

I appreciate everyone who retweeted and/or...
followed, commented--in support or with information about how audio for tv works. If you wish to unfollow or retract your r/t, I will understand. If you decide to stay, welcome and I'm honored to be counted among great Patriots. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you & God bless.
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