Watching this Frank Luntz focus group with undecided voters - its super interesting. Asked to discuss Biden's performance in a word of phrase, so far they've said: "Surprise. It was better than I expected." "Better than expected. More a people person." "Confident" "Politician
"Restraint and compassion" "Nice guy but lacking vision" "attentive and rehearsed" "Somewhat evasive" "Humanity and integrity" "Predictable" "Presidential"
Advice to Biden from this group - one says they liked when he spoke directly to camera, and he should do that more. They are disagreeing about whether he should keep attacking Trump "What's wrong with that strategy is you're turning off people who might not want to vote"
One participant keeps repeatedly saying Trump acted "like a crackhead" and "seemed high"
Voters are confused about what's actually factual "The votes in the trashcan thing, was that true or not?"
One says, "There might be legitimate issues with the integrity of the election, but [Trump] is one of the worst messengers for that."
One guy's now talking about overseas ballots - points out that there's a lot of confusion with people thinking they don't count, but they do, just counted late
One person is explaining in detail the controversy around pre-filled absentee ballot requests, saying she's received several of them. Seems really well informed on this in a non-partisan way.
One says, "Biden's best answer all night was when he was talking about unity." But says he wants Biden to say who's going to be in his cabinet.
One ex military voter is now running down all of Trump's Secretaries of Defence and state and wondering "Who's going to pick Biden's cabinet" Says he likes Trump's foreign policy picks but doesn't like Bill Barr. Several say they want to know.
One says "Is AOC going to be his Secretary of Energy?"
"When my 11 year old said this show's embarrassing, turn the channel I said we need to two other parties on the stage... that was embarrassing."
"It would almost be easier to do it on paper. Just say what are your positions, write it all out" rather than have a debate.
Noteworthy that there's just one non-white participant in this focus group - an African American woman who seems genuinely undecided and is now saying that neither person said how they'd address race relations "how would they come and talk with us about making things better?"
"So yes, I'm undecided and I'm gonna be undecided until they deal with African Americans black people whatever. you want to call us deal with the issues that affect us... you don't walk in these shoes. Obama, yes he was great but guess what we only had one..." Huh. Interesting
Interesting. A journo asks if Biden's Republican endorsements (e.g., Cindy McCain) influenced them at all. Lots of people all at once: "Nope, not at all" Two people say it did influence them, although not decisive
Asked about not condemning white supremacy - "That was definitely his worst moment.... It's the easiest thing he could do, but he didn't do it."
"I think that was his worst moment too. I don't know why he misses these layups. He's so headstrong on these things. Even though I don't... really think he's some big racist? But I guess I don't know." Wow, that's quite a moment there.
Where do participants get their news - local news, followed the post debate commentary on TV, twitter ("I try to follow as many sides as possible..."). One says they'd like to see which media says what things are true "and I don't trust the media."
"Most media outlets have picked a side. It used to be Walter Cronkite would tell you how it was and you knew it was true." A lot of media bashing happening now - "it's all about the clicks and the views." People seem genuinely confused by the media.
What should Biden do to get your vote? "Talk to me about this budget. Where should it stop? WHen is it enough?" "Answer the question, don't sway from the question like he tended to do (as Trump did to)"
"I'd like to see him own up to the failures of the Obama administration" "Explain to me how he's not raising my taxes if he reverses the cuts"
Same question for Trump, "Lay out your plan" "Tell me what your plan is, don't tell me that you have a plan" "Quit the childlike bickering." "Stop making my wife mad. Good Lord, he made her crazy!"
"He needs to talk about where's the stimulus that so many people need" "Answer the questions that are asked of you, don't divert"
One is asked what she'd say to Donald Trump if he were standing in front of her, ""See you later, buddy." Luntz asks: "So you're no longer undecided?" "Oh no, I'm done."
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