- 57% reported negative attitudes to Muslims

- 58% believed the conspiracy that there were Sharia law areas in Britain where non-Muslims can't enter

- 47% felt Islam is a threat to the British way of life

Tory members were also sceptical about the benefits of multicultural Britain:

- 50% though having a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures had undermined British culture.

- 56% thought multiculturalism had a negative impact on British culture

Our report also documented 40 members, activists, councillors and MPs who have spread anti-Muslim rhetoric or sentiment including one that referred to Muslims as parasites and another that compared a minority group to dogs.

All remain in the party.

CEO @lowles_nick :

"The Conservative Party has to face up to the widespread anti-Muslim prejudice in its ranks if it ever hopes to eradicate the problem. It’s difficult to argue against all the many proofs - the real question is how bold they will be in taking action."

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