I don’t normally do threads but I thought today might be time.
I’ve been thinking about the Tories (there’s a shocker I hear you groan). I am more convinced than ever that Doris Johnson the Crime Minister won’t stay very long after the 31st December. But why and what’s next?
Well I think he need to be loved and admired and so he will take the psychological “win” of delivering Brexit of any any kind and go.
He hates the job and we all hate him so it makes sense. He will have his pension, his book deals, his TV career and a seat in the Lords and go...
Safe in the knowledge that his place is history is assured and he can persuade himself that he delivered what was asked and he was unlucky with the virus
And so then we turn to the successor
Despite a number of people throwing their hats in the ring and a valiant effort by Sunack
It will be Gove. Sunack will be told to wait for opposition and to lead the fight back with a promise of power to shape the party in his image. The Tory hierarchy and backers know the game is up. In the next election they will lose, lose badly, and they will be in opposition
I think this because a) the UK gets fed up of government that stays too long b) they have wrecked and ruined everything c) they can’t defend the indefensible for ever d) the UK will be friendless and on it’s arse trying to recover an economy and it’s health lying in ruins
So they need an interim Crime Minister. Someone with no morals, no conscience, a burning desire for power and status and who can be relied upon to continue to wring every last drop of money (for its backers via sweet government contracts) decency (cue Cummings and the alt-right),
Tax evasion via a low tax “the EU can’t catch us now” establishment which is next on the list and the removal of standards on food, employment rights and the safety of goods. It’ll be four years of scorched earth: think of Hitler in the bunker ordering the destruction of Germany
Why? Because that is the plan. That how money is made for the oligarchs who really pull the strings. The mission will be to wring every last drop of profit from the corpse of the UK and then sit back while those same oligarchs look after the principal players with sweet jobs...
While the country picks itself up from the wreckage.
And if you had to pick the moral and intellectual vacuum to do that, it would be Gove, and his Svengali Cummings.
They will double down, break and take as much as they can, and then disappear into the mist while we pick up...
The wreckage and the bill and try to salvage what is left of our international reputation
And so. If I am right, Johnson will go in the new year, he will be replaced by Gove and if their plan works, nothing will get any better.
But let’s finish on an optimistic note. If we see this coming to pass. Think of it this way. History will think of them all as demonic or dunces or both. These things go in cycles and just as they rise, they also fall.
It is our duty to unify, take action, and fight until order, decency and the economy is rescued and restored
And they have played their cards. We know their tactics now. We can use this intelligence to prevent this monstrosity from happening again

Hope I live to see that
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