Re: Best Designed MLQC Karma Poll


Hello. First of all, I want to say sorry if I may sound rude but here it goes..

It wasn’t my intention to join the poll. But our friend, Yuu, asked me and Korin a favor if we can help her vote for Minor and we both agreed.

The intention of this poll is for fun, right? but Minor’s name was removed for we don’t know how many minutes or hours and that’s what concerned the three of us. Not fair~

Here’s what happened on my side:

I started voting again at 1am. 38minutes later, I got a dm from Yuu to check if Minor’s name is still included. Checked and nope, he’s not and right after, she told me that you closed the poll already.

Receipt#1 - You tweeted at 1:05AM and stated that you’re closing the poll as someone already reached 100k of votes.

Receipt#2 - I tried to access the form and voted too at 1:58AM and it went thru.

Still no Minor’s name.

Receipt#3.1 - Yuu replied to you that the form is still accessible.

Receipt#3.2 - Yuu confirmed that the form is not accessible anymore and same goes for me that time.

Since we’re still sus why Minor’s name wasn’t there, I tried to click the form again and it opened.

Receipt#4 - The form opened and looks who’s back at the bottom spot of choice— M i n o r

(Time 2:17AM, 09/30/2020)

I did try to vote just to be sure I’m not seeing things
Minor’s original spot in the choices was in between Chik and Page’s name.

(SS from Yuu. Time: 4:32PM, 09/29/2020)
Disclaimer: We’re merely asking, no intention to start anything. It's just an entertainment afterall. Thank you~!

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