Today is National Love People Day, and I just wanted to tell all of you how much I appreciate and love you. While I only interact with a small percentage of you, I do appreciate all of you. đź’• 1/6
This post has been difficult for me to write, and I've probably started it over 5 or 6 times. I was finding my tone too negative, and I've always tried to be a positive person. 2/6
I know we are all still struggling with COVID-19, and I hope all of you are managing well. But that's not what's been bothering me. What has me concerned is that I'm seeing so much hate lately. 3/6
The situation in the US is getting worse everyday, and last night's debate did nothing to calm my fears. If anything, it's raised them. For those of you that don't think what's happening down south has any bearing on what's happening here, you are wrong. 4/6
While hate groups aren't as brazen here as they are in the US, it does exist here and they are starting to become more vocal. As a society we can not let hate win over love. 5/6
I hope we can all learn to respect, accept, and appreciate our differences versus fearing, shaming and hating them. If you've made it this far in my post, thank you, and I hope you will join me in standing up for love and against those that hate. #NationalLovePeopleDay. 6/6
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