if you've never been bitten by a Jack Jumper then you are a mainlander, sorry, Jack Jumpers are brutal and actually deadly to a small percentage of the population, and yes they literally jump really high https://twitter.com/brentcostelloe/status/1311183688982360065
at school we used to get given a Freddo Frog if we found a jackie nest, and then the principal would pour petrol down it
"In Tasmania, the sting of a Jack Jumper is responsible for more cases of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) than bee stings. Approximately 3% of Tasmanians are allergic to Jack Jumpers and the reaction can be life-threatening in about half of them" https://www.health.tas.gov.au/service_information/services_files/RHH/treatments_and_services/jack_jumper_allergy_program
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