1. The debate was a disaster - for America, for Trump, for democracy, and for the risks of political violence in November. An objective assessment of the candidates performances must lead with this: Biden inhabits reality, whereas Trump inhabits a concocted victimhood complex.
2. Internationally, the debates were an enormous embarrassment. They were unwatchable, not because of Biden or Wallace, but because of Trump. He refused to condemn white supremacy. He was an unhinged bully talking about some mythical "coup" against him. It was a glimpse of lunacy
3. Last night badly damaged Trump politically. He's losing by a lot at the moment. His aggressive rants further repelled the very swing voters he needs to win. The base may like the racist conspiracy theorist from the YouTube comments section shouting at them, but few others do.
4. Trump's message - including his closing statement - focused on spreading lies about ballots, aiming to discredit an election that he is on track to lose. It further imperils American democracy - which he has been attacking for nearly four years - as his lies get believed.
5. But Trump's statement to "stand by" to the Proud Boys worried me most. I wrote this column last September, arguing that all the red flags for political violence have been raised heading into the election, and this just made that risk much higher. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/09/05/everyone-knows-election-will-be-divisive-will-it-also-be-violent/
6. Overall, Trump's unhinged performance made it more likely that he will lose the election. But anyone who believes in America, believes in the fight for democracy and peace, and believes in the fight against racism and white supremacy, well, they lost last night too.
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