Thread: Promoting nationalism to the mainstream

Focus on practical matters and always redirect the focus toward nationalism as the only solution. Be mindful of false moralization used as a method to undermine your logic.

Know your enemy and understand their tactics.

Every good strategy has a number of alternative plans. One must remain prepared for a collapse, but one must always prepare for a prolonged struggle.

Sound tactics are crucial in wars of attrition.

Unless the world falls apart, most people will hide behind walls of false morality, because they're afraid and feel that they might have something to loose.

If the world falls apart, then this discussion is irrelevant. That's another discussion.

A few ideas for topics:

1. Talk about international finance and corporate oligarchs.
2. Talk about anti-white propaganda and the threat of swift demographic decline. Explain the implications.
3. Focus on culture, tradition and history as a part of your unique continuity.

4. Focus on practical daily issues that concerns the average person. It may be boring, but these are usually meat and potato concerns that can win hearts and minds.
5. Develop a message that appeals to a blue collar mentality, but doesn't alienate middle class sensibilities.

6. Make the case for banning anyone from running for office who holds dual citizenship of any kind.
7. Talk about nature conservancy and redirect the false values represented by the ideologically driven green movements.

7. Promote Natalism specifically for white people.
8. Show real examples where degeneracy destroys people's lives.
9. Present a critical message toward all gatekeepers in a way where the average person can understand why these people are not good.
10. Promote love not hate.

Clearly, there are a million ways to approach these subject. I'm simply presenting a few suggestions which I believe are practical and effective in spreading nationalism.

Less theory, more realistic examples.

As always, I remain open to constructive criticism.

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