No one knows of this so I guess I can use this to rant about stuff. May be fun to look back on it I guess.
Do you ever feel like you're trapped in a place because of the people you met there?
Do you feel like you don't belong anymore but are too scared to say it?
Both of these questions I have been asking myself recently and I'm not sure how to feel about either. There are people I really want to keep in touch with, sure, but I hate the program I have to use to do so.
But I'd feel like a dick for just leaving them so idk what to do.
I'd really like to just disconnect from the internet as a whole to be honest. Delete any trace I have left behind and just vanish into the wind. I don't feel suicidal or anything, I just really do not like how I act online and the only remedy is to purge it all I believe.
The reason this is so hard, is because I have become so accustomed to the internet that I find it genuinely hard to socialize, even to my own family, out in the real world.
But I have friends that I would rather keep, but I know meeting up is never going to happen.
Not sure where this thread is going, it just feels nice to scream into the empty void that is twitter I suppose. Maybe some day I can eventually break myself from the internet, but with everything being online due to covid that will be 10x harder than it used to.
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