As per my Ancient World Through Film Class I am going to make a thread here about an opinion I have about a movie related to myth. So here it goes! @Vicky_Austen #CLAS2500 The movie Troy (2004) changes the timeline so drastically that many things are lost. The time change -
@Vicky_Austen #CLAS2500 pt. 2
does not allow for connection with the characters. You do not understand Achilles anger, you do not understand his true bond with Patroclus (His cousin? Eww I find this offensive) and you do not understand the importance of honour. Which is -
@Vicky_Austen #CLAS2500 pt. 3
Integral in understanding Greek mythology and so much more. Homer's Iliad goes through almost every character, their families and origin. In the movie I hardly know who anyone is, for example Ajax- who is a lot more important than 3 scenes in the -
@Vicky_Austen #CLAS2500 pt. 4
Movie. Not knowing the character means you dont know why they are the way they are. This spirals into the audience feeling nothing towards the people. Put mythological comparison aside, as a movie it is key to have your -
@Vicky_Austen #CLAS2500 pt. 5
Audience FEEL for the characters. Connect with them. So that when something happens you have more connection to the movie. This movie is so rushed and condenses a lengthy period of time into DAYS that personal attachment is lost and the movie just -
@Vicky_Austen #CLAS2500 pt. 6
Feels off. It feels like it Is incomplete. It shows more scenes with Hector than anyone else so in reality I feel more sympathy with Hector than I do Achilles who has lost his best friend and or lover. Im not sure how to end this but -
@Vicky_Austen #CLAS2500 pt. 7
I feel as though this movie was a teenagers essay - worried about timing so they rush through everything leaving you with a horribly written essay. Take time to focus on characters- not just the story.
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