One of the hardest things for me to wrap my head around in this admin is the way in which I feel assaults on our systems, offices, and institutions as keenly as if they were assaults on my person. It hurt to watch tonight’s “debate.” (1/5)
Like many, I tended to downplay the idealistic component of why I served while I served. But this unrelenting assault on the ideals I believe in feels just as visceral as if it were a physical assault on me. I believe our country can and should be better than this. (2/5)
Military veterans have no monopoly on ideals: every US civil servant swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution. The President showed contempt for that oath tonight through petulance, lies, and bullying, and naked appeals to violence. This offends these ideals. (3/5)
From polling data and my social media feed I know that many veterans (and others) don’t share my perspective. I know this to be true, but I can’t square that in my head with what I believe America to be about. The President’s behavior sickens me and demeans the office. (4/5)
I have never been so heartsick for the country I love. (5/5)
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