If it's any consolation to Americans, the debate and the things that both candidates said doesn't matter because lol you have the electoral college and you're fucked.
Imagine literally not having a democracy and being like "oh I wonder if this debate will be good?". You got FPTP voting, districts gerrymandered to shit, and millions of people whose votes literally don't count. You can "win" by a margin of millions and still lose.
It's not even close! You have like 320million people and less than a quarter voted Trump and he wasn't even the one who got the most votes and he's still the president you guys are fucking cooked
It's like watching a dude on fire, holding a fire extinguisher going "fuck I hate this fire!! I hope I don't have four more years of this fire!"
And I mean like yeah, people point this out all the time and maybe that's not helpful but that's cause YOU KEEP NOT FIXING IT! Like what the fuck do you thinks going to happen???
And you're all like "um, it's not a good time, and actually really unhelpful to point this out because if we focus on fixing it we might not win this rigged election" like a smoker going "look I swear I'll quit later, I just have a lot of stress right now"
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