1/ The Proud Boys comment wasnt surprising or new. We knew this from three years of dog whistles and “fine ppl.”
2/ BUT this MF said the election is already fraudulent, that he won’t accept the results, *and* dog whistled to his base to mobilize for political violence directed at anti fascists and democrats. Y’all missing the forest for the trees here...
3/ yeah fuck the proudboys of course, but a damn tidal wave is about to slam us and you’re focused on the sand in front of you. Get a read on the the tectonic shifts happening, we are *currently* in the beginning stages of formal fascism.
4/ Not the “Trump is a Fascist” that folks have flippantly said since before the election, but that our government is manifesting fascism akin to the early stages of its politcal development in Nazi controlled Germany.
5/ Democrats don’t actually have a plan to deal with a contested election. The left isnt having a serious conversation with itself about the implications of a stolen election and how it looks to fight outside the mechanisms of State resolution that Trump has compromised.
6/ I dont mean antifascists use the mechanisms of liberal democracy directly in our own fight, but we do act in that broader context of their efficacy. What does fighting look like absent liberals, Democrats, and sympathetic court that we win concessions from?
7/ We are fucked if we keep focused on the outrageous shit he says and not how we can stop these maneuvers outside of the political institutions he is fundamentally liquidating. Ask, how do you fight a formally fascist government with institutional checks nixed from the equation.
8/ IMO the interim period between the election and confirmation is paramount. He has to destroy American “democracy” to win - we have to push hard enough in the streets and in a such a wide spread manner that we cause a crisis of legitimacy within the government itself.
9/ Liberals will do what they always have and syphon street energy into the electoral process, that’s a fatal error this time. Electoralism can’t meet this moment in a stolen election. This means we have to be primed to protest and disrupt our fucking hearts out this winter.
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