Even if the lesser-of-two-evils wins, and that's a heavy fucking "if" (yes even after that shitshow, it was just as much of a shitshow as 2016), we will still have oppressive laws and Nazis and voter suppression and children in cages and companies exploiting workers and wildfires
and police murdering Black and brown folk and horrifying healthcare and terrible treatment of veterans and wars and drones and school shootings and trans women being locked in solitary confinement for months and fracking and sched 1 charges for weed and COVID-19 and
The point is...

Your work isn't over if the blue guy wins.

I know you're tired. I've been fucking tired since 2004. And my life and my friends lives are on the line--no matter what happens in November.

So knit yourself a pink pussy balaclava or some shit and show up, dammit.
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