Engagement tip:
Every time you submit a bio for an event, also save it in a file organised by audience — academic, public, media, student, industry, etc. It's so handy to have all your bios in one place to draw on for future events.
In the folder that holds your bios document, put your headshots. You can name the various shots by tone, e.g. professional, playful, corporate, intellectual, low-key, etc. Produce each in colour and black and white. #engagement #engagementforimpact
When organisers request photo and bio be sure to ask for the word count and how images will be presented. If it's 100 words, send them that. Don't let then do the editing for you. Control how you're represented. #engagement #engagementforimpact #researchimpact
Same with photos. Square or round? BW or colour? Portrait landscape? It's 2020, and still I see so many squished photos. If it's high stakes event (e.g. keynote, paid gig), ask for a proof. #engagement #engagementforimpact #researchimpact
If you don't have good photos, get some. Either hire someone or give a friend with a good eye a bottle of wine. Take shots that represent who you are. Guys, a white button up shirt likely isn't saying much about you. #engagement #engagementforimpact #researchimpact
You can follow @wadekelly.
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