I understand a lot of people reading this will be voting for either candidate and that is 100% ok you are allowed to vote for anyone you think will be the right fit for our country. I’m asking for one simple thing where if you have ever respected me in any way supported me etc.
Please respect each other as if you love them as family. The next few months are going to divide us more and more and I feel the need to try and bring a sense of community and empathy to people I love. You are allowed to have conversations you can think and feel however you want
All I’m saying is if you see something you disagree with or a take that doesn’t match your viewpoints to not immediately attack others and do anything you can to be respectful and considerate to other people. I understand a lot of people will read this and laugh and that’s ok.
But the one thing we can control is the way we react to situations and tonight taught us we all need to be better. Do with that as you will and I hope everyone finds themselves at peace and will love and respect each other the way we’re supposed to. Blessings to everyone.
You can follow @Jonwithoutthe_H.
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