Hey so y’all know that Trump’s regime and cohorts are egit getting fascism-y, right?
Let’s go down the list if characteristics of fascism, shall we?

1: Powerful & Continuing Nationalism
Think this one speaks for itself in Trump’s case 🤷🏻‍♀️
2: Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Examples of Trump’s America: civilians getting murdered by police, migrant detention camps at the border.
3. Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
Mexicans, “illegals” (undocumented immigrants), “Muslim terrorists” (travel ban), “BLM thugs”, and well, we know how they talk about liberals, communists & socialists.
4. Supremacy of the Military

I think this one is self-explanatory with regards to the US.
5. Rampant Sexism
I mean besides Trump’s constant sexism, remember the Alabama anti-abortion law? Or how Trump’s registration tried to legalize medical workers to refuse service to trans people during a pandemic? And to legalize discrimination against LGBTQ+ workers?
6. Controlled Mass Media

Don’t think this really applies (yet), but Trump refusing certain news media & making them the enemy, is already very problematic and in itself a threat to democracy, to which honest & critical journalism is imperative.
7. Obsession with National Security

See: travel ban, “illegal immigrants”/Mexicans, and I mean:
8. Religion & Government are Intertwined

I mean... I’ll just leave this link here:

9. Corporate Power is Protected

I think this one is pretty self-explanatory as well given Trump’s background, tax breaks on the wealthy, y’all can fill this in yourself.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed

I’m not well versed in this topic, so I’ll leave this link here:

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

I can’t say academics are censored, arrested or that they’re not funded. But the notion that higher education are all “leftist institutions” and that they are brainwashing America’s youth is a common narrative amongst Trump’s cohorts.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

Republicans literally getting mad at Black people for “disrespecting the flag” by taking a knee during the anthem against police brutality and wanting them to be punished for it, anyone? Highest incarceration rates in the world, anyone?
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

I mean Trump done employed his whole family lol. I’ll also just link another article here cause it does more justice to the topic than a tweet could:

14. Fraudulent Elections

I’m sure we haven’t forgotten about “crooked Hillary”, and also, another link:

In conclusion: Trump may not score equally high on all these characteristics but fascism doesn’t just emerge overnight. It’s usually a gradual process.
Trump’s regime/cohort exhibits a LOT of these characteristics already, and there’s a real risk of it developing into fascism.
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