Girls when I was a young dummy bitch I didn’t have nobody to guide me. I WAS A TEMPORARY DUMMY BITCH SO U AINT HAVE TO BE!There a few of us Auntie Jrs who are telling you the science!
Why won’t y’all listen?
Stop doing all the work
Stop initiating
Stop chasing
Stop filling in the space
Stop suggesting
Stop nudging him
Stop saying “yooohooo remember me?”
Stop contorting
Stop swiping
Stop thinking of ways to win points
Stop earning
Stop denying him the right to chase
Stop forgetting that WOMEN DO THE CHOOSING
Stop holding on too tight
Stop AUDITIONING for a role that was always gonna be an internal hire
Stop allowing ppl to deal with u on their terms
Stop taking Ls then telling the timeline. All you are doing is sending out the bat signal that you’re the lick!
Stop trying to be the EXCEPTION. You ARE NOT. There’s this thing called p-value in statistics. Learn about it and stop thinking it’s gonna be different. It isnt! If they show you a negative trait; bounce
Stop trying to convince. If you wanna persuade then write grants
It is infuriating because you let these dudes humiliate you for free. But you’re the one taking the loss. You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to think so low of yourself. You are worth so much more
Yet in a mirror and say
Im not even being funny. Im getting emotional because I talk to so many of you girls. You’re so sweet &I can see that you really just want to be loved. Yet you teach ppl to stab u & then you ignore the pain. You keep on twisting the 🔪 cuz ur scared that taking it out will kill u
You’re losing the “young girl light” in your eyes because these losers are dogging u!
I got PMS so Im fucking crying because y’all don’t deserve this shit 😩 It’s so hard to see you guys not even get the base level of respect. I see y’all and y’all be so cute & hopeful. But these no count niggas are grating on you
And of course it’s black girls being treated like trash. It’s not ok. It’s not cool.
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