Some of y'all are really simple. Blaming non-voters for our current situation instead of the White supremacist system that runs this country. And I say this as someone with a degree in Political Science. Some of y'all need to do some research.
If you want to vote, vote. But folks on both sides should not be shaming others for their choices because the solutions to the problems we face are beyond whoever wins. The solutions will come from us doing the work, and we can’t do the work if we are so divided.
If you shame non voters and truly believe in Biden, your privilege is showing. If you are voting for him you it should be cuz he is the lesser of two evils, and...
You need to find your role in the social change because if Biden does win, he won’t show up in the ways BIPOC (esp Black people need). I rec my recent article on justice for this ft Deepa Iyer’s model: 
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