There were probably 4-5 different points that Biden made that were conspiracy theories that the media pushed.

No pushback on them from Wallace.
1. Russian bounties - no evidence that they ever existed. Unnamed sources from NYT. Rejected by a military investigation.
2. The “good people on both sides” lie, that has been pointed out time and again.
5. Trump’s comments about members of the military.

We’ve got 21 on the record sources denying this claim, even people who can’t stand Trump. The reporting relies on four unnamed sources.
6. The idea that his son, Hunter Biden, did nothing wrong.

We should have a lot more charity toward someone dealing with addiction. But the idea that he hasn’t done anything wrong is simply not true. Report here:
7. The Kellyanne Conway quote that Biden misrepresented...again.

H/t @PubOperator
8. The masks nonsense. Again. I’ve repeated myself on this a thousand times.

We had no idea that masks would help back in March. Don’t believe me? I’ve got a thread.
Yeah I’ll make this into a thread tomorrow.
8. Trade deficit with China. @ddale8 just face checked this on @CNN. Just not a true statement from Biden about the trade deficit.
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